ChamBanaCon Dealers:
ChamBanaCon is a small Science-Fiction Relaxicon; our attendance varies from 125 to 250 attendees.
Dealers General Information
Cutoff for dealers to secure tables is
Wednesday, November 15th, 2023.
Sales are confined to Dealer's Room.
Click here to download a dealer's registration form.
- Table Rates: six foot length, 1-5 tables available, $25 each.
- Please return the completed Dealer Registration Form with your table fees by Saturday, November 18th, 2023 (address below).
We allow the dealer to arrange the tables (within reason). If there are too many dealers for the area, ChamBanaCon will allocate tables as it see fit. Any question of the allocations must be taken up with the Con staff (in extremis, the con Chair).
- Registration is not included in the table rental. Registration is separate. Dealers must purchase and wear badges to be in the Dealer's room.
- Setup: Friday, set up is at 12:00 noon, open to the public at 2pm. The room closes at 8:00 pm. Saturday, the Dealer room opens at 11:00 am, and closes at 5:30 pm. Sunday, the Dealer room opens at 11:00 am and closes to the public at 3:00 pm. The room closes by 4:00 pm on Sunday.
- Restrictions: Anyone who is selling anything that could be considered dangerous in the hands of children of any age (swords, working phasers, things hungry or with teeth, etc.) is suggested to acquire product liability insurance. This is to protect the convention as well as the seller.
- With the exception of handicap assistance animals, NO PETS IN THE DEALER ROOM!
The con provides the space and the opportunity for the Dealers to sell. We maintain evening security, but ChamBanaCon takes no responsibility for lost or pilfered items.
Some of the dealers who attended last year's Chambanacon:
Castle Perilous Games and Books
(Gaming GoH)
Jule Inc.
Larry Smith Book Seller
(new books - sf & f, mystery, vintage jewelry)
Fantasy Art by Elain C. Oldham
(art prints, bookmarks, books, on-site drawings original art)
Steve Scherer Art Glass
With a Grain of Salt Designs
Canticles Productions LLC
(books, CDs, vinyl records, art)
Writers of the Apocalypse
(filk and hats)
Mountain Cat Media LLC
(books and CDs)
Dealer Registration Form
Once you have secured a table, please print out the
Dealer's Registration Form
and return it by
Saturday, November 18th, 2023 with your registration and table fees to: